Deep Sea Diving
I hear it calling me Like a monster hiding in the deep blue sea Know that I'll dive any depth to find you that I love you with every last...

Naked Hiker Pakiri Regional Park, New Zealand
You Are Too Much. The echo rings in the silent spaces of my mind. I carry these words across an island, an ocean and back again. Their...

New Year's Day
New Year. Yet it feels like last year, like a reset or deja vu. There are fireworks at midnight but no one to kiss. I am in the same...
Finding Purpose in Tragedy
"Nik we need all medics..." static cuts the clarity of the situation. I rise and make my way out of the rig. "On my way. repeat message,...

Poisoned Roots
It creeps up slowly like a sinking sunset. Like tainted water being soaked up at the roots, I don't realize that it has seeped in until...

Passport Wings
When I was 16, I was gifted wings in the form of passport pages. I took flight like a Swift, migrating for months and years. Never...

I love you like Babydoll in your southern drawl Records spinning in the lounge Your voice filling the airwaves I love you like One ring...

Connective Gravity
Part I Outside a storm is raging. The wind howls and beats wildly on the window panes. We are stoned and semi-unaware of the natural...

Naked Hiker Landscape Arch, Arches National Park, Utah
I did not ask to be born. But one day I was. I came crashing into this world at 2 am. You fainted as I arrived. Was it because of the...

Heaviness of Empty Space
All the space left from all the people I loved and lost Who knew emptiness carried such weight Tad's inappropriate jokes no longer make...

Naked Hiker Mother Mountain, QLD Australia
Say "Hell Yes!" to everything (Except for Drugs, Booze, and Boys. Those I could say "No" to). That was my only rule when moving to...

The morning light sneaks quietly into your through drooping curtains you have been meaning to fix. It seeps in slowly casting soft lines...

Naked Hiker Mount Baldy, Ca
I have been using this quarantine time to satisfy my love of learning and curiosity (about basically everything) through reading and...

Naked Hiker Kauaeranga Kauri Trail, The Coromandel New Zealand
Ever since lockdown started I have been hearing an increase in the phrase "You just need to work on yourself" (in many different ways). I...

Naked Hiker Got Out of Bed Today
Give it a name and make it something outside yourself. Dark. Dark is the only man that always wants to hold my hand. He likes to show me...