Infinite Realities Without We
They say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. I believe this is just a lie to convince us to lower our standards...

Here I Am Alive.
Verbodet! My foreign brain translates the warning. Stay behind the line. My body is daring to disobey. Dark is beckoning; biding me to...

Reason 40
When the water polo ball nearly collided with my face, I shrugged it off thinking that's what I get for not paying attention while in the...

Naked Hiker kitekite falls, Piha New Zealand
Growth is rarely comfortable. Often it hurts. Lately, growth has felt like an exorcism. As we come to the year mark of last year's...

Reason 39
This one is for "Gentleman of the Year" 2020 and every year henceforth. I can not recall the exact moment we met but I know that I can...

Reason 38
I grew up on a bland diet of Kraft Mac & Cheese and McDonald's. Eating has always been a sore spot for me for a lot of reasons. Trying...

Reason 37
I almost did not meet her. Our friendship is proof you can not fuck up things that are meant for you. Our friendship was formed during a...

Reason 36
Where to start with Sean? He is an Oxymoron; the nicest asshole I have ever met. We met on a random Sunday at Chapel bar. Almost...

Naked Hiker Vivian Falls, New Zealand
I remember the first night I met her. Calm Confidence and a kind smile. She looked like a living Snapchat filter, no catfish here. After...

Defiant Heart
I It wakes me All that I can hear Its' defiant beathing Filling my ear Will Relentless Beating louder still All this anguish Will no kill...

Naked Hiker Dubrovnik, Croatia
It has been so long that I do not know where to start. Starting is always the hardest part. I keep thinking about "This time net year"...

Naked Hiker Duder Regional Park, New Zealand
"Some of us ran so far away during a period of survival, that we forgot to come back home to ourselves." - Lalah Delia I've spent the...

Sticky Notes and Love Letters
I found these tucked between the pages of an old notebook. The sting was subtle, like the prick of a rose thorn. Not the bear trap of...

Naked Hiker Kauri Coast New Zealand
I've been listing to several friends talk about the same incident; each experienced it so differently. The common thread is that all of...

Reason 33
"I got a new car! Let's go for a hoon!" "What's a hoon?" I cluelessly asked, even though the context is there. I love hoons, especially...