"I got a new car! Let's go for a hoon!"
"What's a hoon?" I cluelessly asked, even though the context is there. I love hoons, especially with Kelsey. They are best on the beach when the sun is out and you are surrounded by good friends and so much laughter. Lockdown was hard but luckily I had Kelsey to expand my bubble and have art nights with. Post lockdown she gave me hope by researching if I could be a political refugee and letting me borrow her old car for a while.
When I called about a job that was far from Auckland (it was in her hometown) but also everything I had been wanting in a job, she gave me the hard truth "Sounds like you've already made your mind up. So what are you asking me?"
She is always prepared to give the tough truth in the kindest way possible. The move was going to be hard but every bit worth it.
Some people are natural life preservers, Kelsey is one of them. While she may be going through chaos, she always finds a way to be a helper. Kelsey is the version of Rose that lets Jack onto the door with her while the Titanic sunk (Let's face it there was definitely room for two on that door).
I did not have the privilege of growing up with siblings but I feel so lucky to have found an older sister to look up to and navigate this pandemic with. It is such a privilege to be an aunt to her witty little rabble-rouser and have keys to the house. There is a special kind of trust and I know no matter how dark things get we will always get through.
That is why I keep living. Because I am loved. Because I love her too much to let her live a life without me.