20 Something
So this is our 20s We've been dancing with boundaries Dodging bullets and collecting near misses So this is our 20s Spending days in...

Naked Hiker Rocky Mountains, Co
An open hand slap across the face, the sound could be heard from across the playground. It filled me with protective motherly rage, which...

Reason 26
We started at an ancient movie theater that still played film reels and wreaked of fake butter and sticky soda soaked carpet. We started...

Naked Hiker Rocky Mountains National Park, CO
"Headed, I fear, toward a most useless of place, the waiting place. For people just waiting. [...] Everyone is just waiting. No! That's...

Naked Hiker Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, UT
Recovery is delicate. Delicate the way a single feather can tip a scale or sound can cause an avalanche. The "road to recovery" has never...

Reason 24
The Kiwi Room was a cacophony of crashing blocks, bell-like laughter, squeaky wheels, and children's' imaginations; conflicting with the...

Reason 23
We live in a culture that shames normal and glorifies this photoshopped unattainable image. It impossible to avoid all the adds. Why is...

Reason 22
As soon as I graduated High school, I packed my shit and moved in with my Aunt. Partly, because she was lonely after losing her husband....

Naked Hiker Somewhere on the Californian Coast North of Big Sir
Building off of my last blog about self-love, it's important to love ourselves first because we accept the love that we think we deserve....

Reason 17
Schatje. My favorite Dutch word. Google says it means baby, but this is false. Jesper explained to me that the 'je' at the end of a word...