Night Drives
There is a void in me. A black hole, absorbing the light and all other things that come near. He promised to fill this void with...

Naked Hiker Double Arch, UT
A lot of people ask "How did you realize you were bi?" Usually, I respond with some scientific response about how sexuality is made up of...

Shapes of the Train
Stiffly sitting on the train, I look around at the other passengers seeking amusement. Only to find I am surrounded by couples folded...

Naked Hiker Kai Iwi Lakes, New Zealand
I couldn't figure out why I was so annoyed at the cloudless sky last night. Then I realized it has been a year since that night. The one...
Your Side of the Bed
You seem to cross my mind every chance you get; at 11 am and 2 pm In the morning I have to remind myself to make coffee for one You are...

Naked Hiker Mesa Verde National Park, CO
I met someone whom I loved; not in the obsessive childish infatuation way but in an honest-to-god-I-want-what-is-best-for-them way. When...

Naked Hiker Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Emergency code activated: Name: Kelly Hennessy Location: O'Connell's Pub, Huntington Beach Will disarm upon safe arrival home. Today's...