You seem to cross my mind every chance you get; at 11 am and 2 pm
In the morning I have to remind myself to make coffee for one
You are still the first person I want to share my exciting news with; the arms I want to fall into at the end of the day
You have your side of a bed you have never slept in; marked by a t-shirt that no longer smells like you
Even though I am seeing someone new, I can't look him in the eyes without seeing you
He tells stories the same way you do but I can't seem to find the light in eyes
The one lit up my world and made me feel like gravity had been slowly pulling me to you
I wonder if I will ever stop loving you; if I can ever feel something new
To all the strangers reading this, they probably assume you are dead
That I lost you to some inevitable uncontrollable force
But we both know I never had you in the first place; there was nothing of you to lose
Just moments with no possible future once we got on our flights
I never meant to love you because I knew you never would