25 mg that's the lowest dose they can give you
Still, the side effects are great
stay hydrated, don't take it too late,
Don't stand up too fast
Don't drink alcohol
the list goes on and on
But I pray to a god I don't believe in
and hope with great passion
These thoughts will cease
all the could haves
all the things I don't really regret
but still, think of how they could be different
All the nothings that mean nothing
but still, swirl in my head
The comebacks to all the negative things she said
The rights words, the sober words to make him stay
The words that define our being and solar system
The words I am too tired to write, even though they could be gold
I wish they would just rest in peace at night
So that I don't feel so tired all the time
I wish my dreams weren't so vivid that I lived them
Rather flat black, like the back of my eyelids
I took this pill so I would feel a little less crazy
I took so I could feel what normal sleep is like
I took a pill so I could hear silence for the first time